How Sleep Quality Can Affect Blood Pressure

Could poor sleep be the cause of high blood pressure? High blood pressure or hypertension is a common condition in which the long-term force of the blood against your artery walls is high enough that cause several health issues.

If we talk about sleep and blood pressure then it is not fully understood how and why, but it is said that quality sleep regulates the stress hormones and keeps the nervous system healthy. Lack of sleep in a long term can hurt your body’s ability to regulate stress, hence leading to hypertension. High blood pressure is a key risk factor for cardiovascular health. Many studies show that insufficient sleep can develop high blood pressure and other heart diseases. 

Links between hypertension and sleep

Do you know about sleep apnea? It is a sleep disorder in which breathing stops repeatedly and starts again during sleep. Those having this disorder are at a higher risk of high blood pressure. Recently poor sleep, especially insomnia have recognized as a risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease.

The evidence that can link poor sleep to hypertension is limited currently. However, there are some observational studies from around the world. With over 45 thousand participants, a study shows that poor quality sleep is associated with the increased chances of hypertension.

Other studies on those with insomnia found that they are at high risk to develop hypertension. Although insomnia is recognized as a risk for hypertension, treatment of it can mitigate the risk.

At What point the lack of sleep can increase the blood pressure

There is no certain answer to this question that can fit every situation. Some studies suggest that less than 6 hours of quality sleep can increase the risk of high blood pressure. The short duration of sleep along with insomnia can be the major reason for hypertension.

The relationship between sleep and hypertension is not linear, rather it is U-shaped. Excess sleep can also be linked with increased chances of hypertension.

Enough sleep for high blood pressure

The need for sleep may vary from person to person. Humans generally need more sleep when they are young and growing. It is possible that some adults can manage everything with just a few hours of sleep every day. Research by American Heart Association recommends that most people need 6 to 8 hours of sleep every day. While American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the Sleep Research Society recommend a minimum of 7 hours of quality sleep in order to promote good heart health.

In a nutshell

When we take quality sleep, our blood pressure falls by 10%. But the degree of blood pressure fall can from person to person. The quality of sleep is not the amount of time you spend in the bed, but it is the quality of sleep you get. Diet and exercise also play a major role to control hypertension. Make sure to adopt a healthy lifestyle to control hypertension and check out the best hypertension kit online to monitor your blood pressure regularly.


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